Hi, im a 33 year old male, I caught a general cold around 3 months ago & since then i have been suffering with sore heads, the pain is in the middle of my forehead & can sometimes be in both my temples. My right shoulder & neck aches & sometimes i awake from my sleep with pins & needles in my right hand. I feel completely jaded & lethargic all the time aswell. I have been to my GP on a number of occasions & unforunately they have diagnosed me wrongly with sinusitis, hayfever, stress & i am now being treated for tension headaches, which i dont think it is. i have been taking ibuprofen, 400 mg, 3 x a day for the last week to no avail, I have also had a blood test carried out which came back all ok. I have another appointment with my GP on monday. Can you suggest what i may have??