Thanks for contacting with your health concern and without being able to examine you directly I'm of the following opinion regarding your symptoms:
i. As you have undergone
chemotherapy in the past thus remember that
peripheral neuropathy [nerve damage in feet] is a common chemotherapy side effect for which treatment/medications are available to help improve quality of life, such as pain relievers, anti-seizure medications, topical treatments, and antidepressants.
ii. since you are a diagnosed case of 'plantar fasciitis' thus apart from podiatrist consult an Orthopedic surgeon to exclude causes like arthritis,
nerve irritation, or tendonitis.
PS. If by adopting
- hot water fomentation, rest with minimal movements
- taking an analgesic, anti-inflammatory enzymes, low dose steroid with antacid, and
muscle relaxant, the pain goes away continue with the same, however, if the pain is not relieved to ask for X-ray heel- lateral and Consult an Orthopedic Surgeon.
2. Treatment of foot pain will depend on the cause of the pain and may involve medication, strengthening, stretching, and possibly the use of
physical therapy.