Hi, I have read your question and understand your concern.
Your pain is most probably because of the hyper-acidity and the reflux. As you have mentioned that medications help with your pain, so I would recommend that you keep taking them. In addition to medications, the following changes in your lifestyle and diet habit are advised;
1. Lose weight if you are
2. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake to the minimum if you smoke or drink.
3. Avoid heavy meals at a time, small meals at frequent intervals are better
4. Avoid junk foods and drink plenty of water
5. Avoid carbonated drinks, coffee, too much tea and spices
6. Start regular exercise which would also help with
weight loss and stress.
7. Find ways to reduce stress in life or deal with it in effective ways, by
counselling and seeing a
All of the above issues are directly or indirectly associated with hyper-acidity and
acid reflux. I would have considered a treatment course for H.Pylori (stomach bug) but your endoscopy revealed no ulcer or inflammation suggestive of H.Pylori infection.
Hope I have helped you, please contact me if things are not clear.