where do i begin? ok so for some time now, ive been getting real bad pain/swelling in my joints (particularly, my fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, hips, legs, knees, feet, toes..pretty much everywhere) however, i recently just had a case of an enlarged heart (pericarditis to be exact) also when i was admitted they had told me i was slightly anemic and that I had low potassium levels. i will go to work (i work at a sneaker store so it is constant standing from 10-7) and by the end of the day, my foot will begin to hurt and swell up to the point where i can barely be able to walk. I ve seen several doctors and they all prescribed me meds which seem to be for arthritic purposes such as naproxen, gabienti, difelenoc sodium (sorry, my spelling is way off) and i began to take them but none has actually been effective (the naproxen from time to time sometimes helped but not really) i also went to my primary doctor where he told me that i have a lot of acid in my stomach (along w/ that, my throat has been hurting for quite sometime now everytime i swallow my saliva) sometimes i will hear a garglely noise in my throat or my stomach sort of like as if im really hungry. i read some of the symptoms for strep throat and it matched but everytime i been to the doctor they tell me that i dont have strep throat, so im thinking its possibly an esephogal issue of some sort (i was prescribed omerazol for that issue but it has failed to work for me) HELPP PLEASE! i need it please