Thanks for consulting at my virtual clinic. I have carefully worked through your case, and I can realize your health worries. Being your physician, I assure you not to worry as I will take care all of your medical concerns.
It may be due to:-
Cardiac or lungs issues.
You already are Asthmatic. When we do strenuous exercise, it leads to increased body
metabolism and the body's need for Oxygen for that raised metabolic pathways increases too. But there is no more oxygen suply for the tissues due to reduced oxygenation of blood, the reason being decreased ventilation. This decrease in ventilation is due to narrowing of the airways and that poses a hindrance to the inflow of air during inspiration. Also there is less delivery of Carbon dioxide and other respiratory gases through the narrowed airways to the outside air during expiration.
This creates an oxygen debt and there is pain in the chest that is an ischemic pain and patient feels more like a tightness in chest and air hunger leads to a frightened situation.
Secondly, it may be due to the Coronary
artery disease where there is a narrowing of the natural lumen of the heart's blood vessels. When we exercise, our heart pumps more and more vigorously. It needs more oxygen for heart muscles to pump effectively and with a greater force. But due to narrowed lumen there is no more blood supply to fulfil the increased demand. This mismatch in demand and supply leads to angina like
chest pain.
As the symptoms were not relieved with inhaler usage, it means it may not be of lungs origin.
Consult a Cardiologist for proper evaluation in-person and treatment accordingly. He will run a battery of tests on you that may include but not limited to an EKG, exercise tolerance test,
angiography and thallium scanning as per needs.
If there will be some kind of issues with the Coronary arteries, they may need to go for
angioplasty and opening of the vessel lumen.
Hope I answered all of your health concerns . If you have further questions in future, feel free to contact me anytime & I will get back to you in no time. Please give a positive feedback.
Have a wonderful time ahead.
Best Regards!