Hi welcome to HCM can
I can understand your concern for your persistent dry cough and chest pressure.
Dear , Coughing is important to keep your throat and airways clear by getting rid of mucus or other irritating particles due to pollution or otherwise .
However, a long-lasting (chronic) or severe cough may mean you have an underlying disease or disorder. It can be after effect of bad cold you had in April and medication you may have taken , to stop & suppress that bad cold .
Coughs from a
lung infection, such as bronchitis can start out suddenly and then linger.
Other common causes of chronic. or ongoing coughs, include asthma, allergies, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from emphysema or chronic bronchitis, sinusitis with drainage into the throat, smoking cigarettes or exposure to
secondhand smoke, pollutants, and
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Some medications, such as ACE inhibitors taken to lower blood pressure, can cause chronic coughs in some people.
The main cause is accumulation of toxins in our body which body want to expel in one way or the other . Cold / cough is one of them .
Only gulping on meds will not get you cure , Unless you BRING modification in your life style .
Practise as below , as the goal of treatment is to not only soothe your cough but also treat the underlying cause.
1 .Neti - Sniffing warm salty water through your right nostril with Neti pot , let it flow from left nostril .
Then sniff same water through your left nostril and let it flow from right nostril . Repeat this practice 3-4 times in each side .
2. Do Kunjjal with salty warm water, 5-6 glasses at a time . Retain for few minutes , and vomit - force vomit maximum water .
3. Gargles are also helpful in eradicating mucus from your lungs, throat & all airways and clearing toxins to ease pressure from your chest
Deep Breathing - Inhale -hold - Exhale - Hold , Anulom Vilom pranayam , Bhrammari ,
Homeopathic Aconitum. Taken within the first 24 hours of a cough that comes on suddenly, particularly if symptoms develop following exposure to cold weather; this remedy is considered most appropriate for individuals with a hoarse, dry cough who complain of dry mouth, thirst,
restlessness, and symptoms that worsen in the cold, or lying on side.
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements can help alleviate your symptoms .
Drink plenty of liquids or warm water to help thin the mucus in your throat.
Include fiber ,green veges, fruit, Amla , Guava , Almond , soups for Vitamin C . Sun Bath in morning is also helpful in eradicating ,
Herbs also come handy to rescue from problems .
Menthol, is a good decongestant. It also thins mucus and works as an expectorant, meaning that it helps loosen and break up mucus. It is soothing and calming for sore throats and dry coughs as well.
Licorice root is a traditional remedy for cough and breaking mucus .
Honey is more effective than over-the-counter cough medicines, at treating cough and easing sore throat. Mixed with ginger juice in equal quantity and licked gives instant soothing effect .
Honey helps alleviate persistent cough following the common cold or an
upper respiratory infection and Helps in alleviating symptoms and sleep difficulty.
. Herbal tea prepared with basil leaves ,black pepper , mace , cinnamun is soothing .
Avoid smoking ,too much of fatty fast foods ,sedentary life ,
constipation ,anxiety ,anger .
If your cough lasts more than 2 weeks, see your doctor to determine the cause.
Hope this helps solve your query .
Take care .All the best