Hi, I was diagnosed with pleurisy in September (no chest X-ray done at that stage) then with Pneumonia in October. My current symptoms are coughing (which has improved) and random breathlessness. There is no weight loss, bloody phlegm or over-tiredness - I actually feel quite well! However, I have now had 3 chest X-rays since October (with gaps in between) and each time, the have come back with a problem. This is how the pneumonia was diagnosed. The last X-ray shows a new bit of infection. I am now on my 4th lot of anti-biotics. My GP, is referring me to my local chest clinic, is arranging blood tests and has given me an inhaler. She assures me that it is not lung cancer, saying that the latest X-ray would have looked different to what it did. Also, I feel perfectly well. Having looked extensively on line, I see that lung cancer sometimes does not show. I up on x-rays. Besides not over interpreting everything I read on line, is there any particular advice/reassurance you are able to give me? Thank you very much