I think I have got a trapped nerve in my neck. It has been going on for 4 weeks now. First it was very painful for 2 and a half week. My shoulder and right arm was seized up with pain. Gradually the worst pain went, but now I have big rushes of pins and needles in my right arm and hand instead. My "pointy" finger is in a constant state of pins and needles. It is very uncomfortable. during these 4 weeks, I have been able to sleep as normal. once I am asleep, it does not seem to affect me. However, goin to sleep can be hard, as the pain and pins and needles affects me then. I am a 43 year old mother of 6. I think that I am in fairly good shape otherwise. I have seen my doctor when the pain was at its worst and he said it can last for up to 6 weeks. I don't want to bother him unnecessarily, and i would just like to ask you if what I am experiancing is "normal" and also how it happened in the first place. Many thanks.