About 4 years ago I was in my attic changing a vent hose for a bathroom fan. As you can imagine it was very cramped quarters. I was in a sitting position on a wooden beam , with my legs open , so I could reach down to connect the hose to the fan. I was bent down reaching as far as I could and still about 6 inches from making the connection. I could feel the pressure on my lower abdomen , but did not want to take the time to reposition my self. So I held my breath and gave one big thrust forward to reach the connection. aLL OF A sudden I felt this release of something but no real pain , as I was still bent over. When I crawled out of the attic and stood up , I got this excoriating pain on my left side. I had some difficulty breathing for a couple of days , but it became normal. The pain has not left, it has subsided to a level i can live with but it is still there and uncomfortable. The pain can be so different at times , from feeling like someone is blowing up a ballon on my lower left side to constipation or gas. I have had an ultra sound and CT scan as well as a signoscapy, nothing shows up. This has been going on for 4 years now, and it plays with my mind 24 hours a day , as I think if it wasn't serious it would have been gone by now. I have tried to explain how this happened to several doctors , but they don't seem to want to listen to the mechanism of injury , just the symptoms. Can you please help me.
Best Regards ,