In the last year I often have periods of several days up to 2weeks when I wake-up with a more or less strong left migraine sometimes irradiating to my jaw and ears (this said having had terrible migraines all my life that have become rare events with age) My neck is almost constantly painful, I have a history of auto-immune diseases Hashimoto Hypo-Thyroid (diagnosed circa 20 years ago) Giant Urticaria and Edemas (since 2007) that now become yellowish and brown plus smaller itchy skin manifestations and purple petechia (2013) poly-neuropathy in legs, with many ice-like, ant-like and sometimes needle-like manifestations since 2015 Sjögren Gougerot, Cryoglobulinemia inflamed veins (recent biopsy of one of my purple petechial manifestations on leg) I take Euthyral 80mg, since May I take Prednisolone I m at 20mg now trying to get off it (I used to take strong doses 1200mg in case of a massive urticaria on face, hands or genitals) and during very painful episodes from 2 to 6 Lamaline (300mg paracetamol,30mg caffeine, 10mg opium) I m now followed weekly by an acupuncturist who suspects a Horton syndrome... What can you extrapolate from this health situation? I m 62 years old elitrocme