I ve experienced a lot of rectal bleeding within the past three months, but this week it is slowly subsiding. Tonight, I noticed a large indention in my lower left leg (outer calf). I don t have edema/pitted edema anywhere. Beginning in May, I noticed that for no reason I started developing a red blotchy rash on my lower legs. This rash comes and goes. I have noticed lately that along with these symptoms, I m experiencing extreme muscle spasms in my feet. Are these related, or are the symptoms just coincidental? These symptoms don t make sense but are happening within the same span of time sporadically. I did go to my internist locally because of what appeared to be huge blood blisters on my abdomen. He stated that it was a staph infection, prescribed antibiotics and ointment. So far, that is clearing up. Could the staph cause the other symptoms as well? We were recently in the flood, Aug. 13th, with water from the river near a sewage treatment facility. Could I have picked up some sort of bacterial infection with staph?