so back in November I had an endoscopy, and in December, i had a colonoscopy. Nothing abnormal about either, and i was on schedule as to what to expect bowel movement wise in terms of having a normal bowl movement. We went to a cabin for Christmas, and came home having stomach cramps and diarrhea after i ate off and on which lasted about a good month or so. I called the gastroenterologist and asked if it had to do with a colonoscopy killing off all the flora, so i tried a heavy duty probiotic and it kind of helped...but i still have occasional bouts of diarrhea and if not that then soft khaki stools. I also seem to be losing muscle strength. I work out daily and my muscles get tired so much more easily. Additionally, i ve been eating way more than i should, but haven t gained any weight. could i have caught something or have some bug from something i ate/drank?