Fever is a sign of deeper rooted infection within the body which may even be settled in on a viral level. The recent overlooking of viral-based fever is high in the physicians' realm, and this is a problem we are currently aiming to correct here in the states. The horrible truth about our country's current mass of drs. is that a lot of them are under-educated, and or out dated with the recent times we are currently in. Just in the past 2 years, we have made strides in research and science on the federal private sector level that are just about enough to knock a common
primary care physician out of the loop if they do not stay up to date on there own time, with all of our internet resources. Fevers can be caused by a few main things that I think aren't taken into the average caregiver's perspective; like for example, humans can experience a fever on a full moon for up to three days before and three days after, and this is one example of the updating research we are working on to provide alternative care of medicine and public health to our nation. Another form of fever that you may be experiencing is an understudied complication of infection of a mutating respiratory virus. This virus will trigger a fever, which I have one patient who is currently suffering from this viral invasion herself.
Her fevers range from 99 to 101 and this is not enough to be deadly, but just enough to slowly weaken one's immune system as well as act out on the body's muscular system by yeilding the after effects of aching muscles, and sore bones. This allows the virus to slowly break down the hosts' body on two seperate levels, by acting out as a recurring problematic inflamation. This poses the threat of death in extreme cases, especially when untreated for
prolonged periods of time with respiratoral pain medications like hydrocodone/
acetaminophen 325-1000 MG norcos. This medication is a "DMARD" but is currently not labeled as such by doctors, instead its filed as a
narcotic anelgesic.
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug: (DMARD)
--- A classification of antirheumatic agents refering to their ability to modify the course of disease, as opposed to simply treating symptoms such as inflamation, and pain.
Ask your doctor about prescribing you
vicodin, if you suffer from any other pre-existing pain don't be afraid to mention it to your doctor. If your doctor attempts at talking you out of the drug, for any reason, turn to a pain management clinic by asking your doctor for a referal to one; on grounds of seeking a
second opinion from a pain management specialist. If you have further issues, feel free to email me at: pdrnetwork@bk.ru OR mphd.federalgov@gmail.com