hi, i am a 37 year old male. I'm 5'9" and 150 pounds. I have been having these little chest pains for two months. Their on and off all day. When they first happened i went to the ER. They said my cardiac enzymes were good, i was hooked to a heart monitor for 3 hours, chest x-rays looked good, and the doctor said my heart sounded good. A week later i went to my family doctor and he said my heart sounded good and that my test from the hospital were good. He gave me a CMP, TSH, and CBC with difference blood test and they turned out good. My microalbumin test was good too. I just had a echocardio done at the cardiologist's and he said everything looked perfect. Could this be a ulcer, hiatal hernia, or acid reflux? I do have acid reflux and started taking prilosec a month ago. I also had a weird thing happen after all my test. I was standing and i felt a vacuum suction of air go down my throat and i started coughing. It felt like my heart was beating crazy. I took a couple of deep breaths and it stopped but it started back up again a couple of minutes later. I went out to my car and relaxed and it went away. Does this sound like a heart situation or just my nervous from the strange vacuum suction of air? Could the vacuum suction have been the cause of all this?