I have gone through his query and understand your concern.
At this age of 73, any lump or non-healing ulcer in oral cavity is to suspected and investigated for cancer in oral cavity.
She is tobacco chewer from childhood, this further adds the risk factor and increases the suspicion of cancer.
You should show your mother to your
primary care physician. He may examine the lump. If he feels the lump is to be a cancer, he may refer her to a surgeon. Surgeon may take a
biopsy from the lump ( sample of tissue from lump to examine under microscopy) and send for examination.
If the report came as cancerous lump, then he may
consult a Oncologist or refer to him for further management.
Oncologist may advise surgery or chemo therapy or radiotherapy or any combination based on his condition and stages of cancer.
Hope this helps.
Please write back for further queries.
Wishing you good health.