My husband is 53 years old. Healthy in general. He had an episode about 18 months ago where he woke out of sound sleep, freezing cold to touch, very dizzy, he had nystagmous, (the staff waas calling everyone into the room to see the worrst case of Nystagmous they had ever seen), and he was VERY unbalanced. (he could not walk without falling down). He could not walk or move arround without extreme nausea.and someone holding on to him so he would not fall. He was rushed to hospital, and they never figured out what it was, and they discharged him after two days with SAME SYMPTOMS ongoing. (He could not even get out of his hospital bed without assistance at time of discharge...UNBELIEVABLE). He is not a complainer. His body temp and blood preessure were very low when he got to the ER. Jump forward to now. Lost of weight (working out and diet), and under doctor s care. My husband has lost about 90 LBs over the past year. But i have noticed he gets extremely unbalanced when he gets up to walk or do anything. Or even if he goes to lean down and kiss me and he staggers a bit. EVERY time he Gets up out of chair, he loses balance. Even if just standing in kitchen cooking (loves to cook), he will all of sudden lose his balance. I was checking his eyes yesterday, and did the follow my finger routine and I DID see Nystagmous in his eyes. The eye was bouncing around unnaturally. NOT horribly so but I saw it happen. (I am former prosecutor and have seen many drunks (Unfortuenately), with the condition. I have personally observed that condition in lots of cases--just as background). He also started wearing glasses all the time (Just the reading glasses all of sudden), because of this unfocusing problem. He also has kind of a stare in his eyes and constantly like like trying to refocus his eyes.. Like trying to shake off his weird staring & unfocused eyes. its weird. Just stare unblinking for a miniute, shake his head a bit to shake is eye out of problem)). UNBENKNOWNST to me, he reccently saw a ciropractor. He all sudden stopped working out *AND HE was going daily to either our local 119 St. VIncents health center, or Iron Tribe or both) . Very focused about getting healthy & working out. He was verry serious about it; all of sudden he stopped going. No he does not drink nor take drugs. (I think the chiropractor hurt his back). Maybe caused eye issue)?? maybe not related?? I am very worried aobut these symptoms, and they have been ongoing for a long tine, but he just shakes them off, oh my back is just a bit sore from working out etc., or I have eye strain. Another symptom is he is always cold now. he feels cold to touch to me many times. He also has had what he calls alot of wax build up in ears. I dont know, but I would guess he has some kind of inter-ear issue causing balance issue, would this cause the nystagmous though? His fathher just told us he had some kind of crystals in inner ear in ear. so bad balance, eye problem, staring, and also shake off his weird eye problem, change in diet (Sorrry he is trying to eat less of grains). He also has hard time hearing...or selective hearing, but mostly I think it is bad hearing. (I can hear every word he is saying from three rooms away, but he cannot hear me even addressign him even if yelling) him. Hmmmmmm? I am confused and worried. The eye thing, balance issue, cold alot of the time now, and ear/hearing and balance issues. And wearing glasses ALL THHE TIME NOW. I think it is much worse than he is admitting too. I guess I just did not think of it as an ongoing thing becauses he kept saying it was from working out, orr bad chair he was sittting in, or needed to go get his ears cleared out etc). But now I relize this balance thing has gone on for a long while, The eye problem is maybe past 4 months now? or when I started really noticing it.