I hope the primary tests needed for investigation of such problems e.g. vision test,
intraocular pressure in eye, scan of head etc have been done. If everything is in order and still
headaches, Ayurveda has the answer for 'Shirshool' - the headaches. Many kinds of SHIRSHOOL are mentioned in Ayurveda.
If you agree to go for Ayurveda's safe herbals, pl inform little more. Any other symptoms -
fever or not, hyperactivity,
indigestion etc whatever you notice.
Till then pl give him Tinospora cordifolia capsules (Guduchi capsules). Capsule may be cut and contents pored into a bowel. Mix little honey and give to the child. Do it twice daily for next two weeks. Else if you are in India, you can get Guduchi satv or Giloy satv powder too whichay be given approximately 125 mg twice a day. Amritarishta liquid 5 ml + water may also be given twice a day. Generally such SHIRSHOOLAS are vitiation of Pitta humour as per Ayurveda.
When we get more info, we ll add more, if needed.
Pl keep in mind that these are harmless, safe prepations and no interaction with other drugs, no side effects. On the other hand moder toxic drugs with side effects should only be given in acute emergency to such small children where question of life needs quickest relief.
If you agree, pl inform further. In case of any query, pl communicate through direct question.
Hope it is helpful.