I am actually writing on behalf of a friend so I can only offer the information I have been told. She is 23 years old, very fit (exercises 1-2 times per day, every day-yoga, cardio, kick-boxing, spin, horseback riding, etc). For past year, she has experienced severe abdominal pain after eating. She has seen three GI doctors and has had many tests done (endoscopy, colonoscopy, swallowed a camera, allergies, etc) and all have come back normal except they found she digests food slowly. They even removed her gall bladder. Despite the fact that no allergies were identified, she follows a gluten free diet, dairy free diet, and basically eats only chicken, fish, some vegetables and fruits. She does take a bunch of vitamins/health supplements, but I am not sure which. She recently went on a liquid diet and all symptoms went away and as soon as she ate her first solid meal today, the pain returned to the point of tears. I do not believe she vomits, but I do believe she has a lot of pain and possibly bowel issues. None of the three local doctors here in central NJ could give a diagnosis or advice and the last doctor told her she just had to deal with it. Is there any other doctor she should seek? Rheumatologist? Neurologist (vagus nerve stuff?) or some special GI doctor? THANKS.