Yesterday I started having the most unusual sudden back pain in my middle back on the right side. Later the pain seemed to travel to the right side and in my abdomen. It almost felt like something was moving on my right side, and my husband believed it to be a kidney stone. When we got home I decided to just sleep it off, although every so often I would feel a pinch and it would make me gasp. Today I am having the same pinching pain on my right side, and some dull pain in back on my right side. I am not sure what it is, but can add that a month ago I had an abnormal pap, and then three days ago had a colposcopy and some biposies taken. I have abnormal bleeding and have post coital bleeding. In addition for the last three months I have become extremely fatigued, and sometimes have pain when I urinate. I had blood taken for a vitiman A count and a urine sample, not sure about the result yet as it was Friday and my Dr. has not called me yet. She said the biopsy should take two weeks!
My pap a year ago came back normal. I am 28, in good shape, and have three children. Although my abnormal pap a month ago came back showing HPV 16, and 18.
Please help. Why am I having this severe sharp pain in my side right now?