Hi, I am seeing a doctor in a few days for blood test results but suspect I know why they have called me in. I have a type 1 diabetic brother and my father and a brother were/are type 2. I know the symptoms. For the past weeks I have been very lethargic and wobbly legs, dizzy, blurred vision, itchy , irritable and increasingly thirsty and urinating a lot ( I always do) and pins and needles and aches in feet and hands. And I am 124kgs so I suspected type 2 may have finally caught up with me ( I have had prediabetic test in past) This morning I went to a pharmacist after fasting overnight and did a finger prick test which came in at 7.1 He said this was not a cause for concern, but everything Ive seen before told me you want to be below 7. I do excercise every day and try to eat well but overdid it this week with a birthday. I fight my weight due to olanzapyne I take for another condition. Am I right to be concerned before I see my GP?