In July I had a mitral valve replaced as well as an aortic valve, I am 85 yrs old and a few days into intensive care required a tracheotomy because my lungs failed though I was intubated but then put on a ventilator, or maybe I already not sure. I am told I m very fortunate to be alive, now if only i could get my meds adjusted. I am on 10mg liinopril daily, 2-25 mg. Metroprolol daily, 1 sertaline 50 mg and 1 81 mg. Enteric aspirin. Recently I have become so terribly fatigued, off balance, nauseated, very forgetful. I know I m 85, but believe me I never, ever forgot things as I do now. I feel instead of getting stronger I m weaker btw I am on oxygeon 24-7 s. I believe Metroprlol is my enemy. My Dr. Is out of the country, his nurse told me to take a half metroprol in the am and a whole in the evening until the Dr. Returns. MY BP is also elevated into 160 s-170. What would the alternative med be for me to get next?