(To begin, I m under 18, and female, also it isn t my time of month, so the pain isn t caused by that, just in case that comes up.) Earlier tonight, about an hour and a half ago, I was having severe pain that came and went in my lower right abdominals, with accompanying pain in my right leg. I had/have no fever that I can tell, but I had felt like a bowel movement would fix it, and I was shivering, despite it being summer, and not being cold. Since then the pain in my abdominal has mostly gone away, with only a bit moving to my belly button and then to my left side, and my leg did feel like it was numb after the pain, but that went away as well, a little bit after the abdominal pain. (I have had an umbilicoplasty for my outie belly button, I ve since been told it was for a medical reason, not just plastic surgery, and I don t know if that makes a difference in what the pain could be/could have been.) So since then I ve really felt no pain, in either my stomach or my leg, but I became worried, since the pain is similar almost to period cramps, but really was nothing like I ve felt before.