Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think it is due to
hormonal imbalance that occur during
I think you have symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome.
Increased rest time during menstruation
Take fresh outdoor air help in faster improvement
Diet care:
1. Eat when hungry
2. Small frequent diet
3. Avoid spicy fatty foods
4. Avoid pill with iron
5. High protein diet reduce vomiting
6. Try to take Herbal tea, cracker, unbutterd toast, gelatin contain desserts help to reduce severity
7. Take more carbonate beverages.
1. Tablet metroclopramide: 5-10 mg orally 4-5 times/day
2. Injection ondensaterone 8 mg in unresponsive case
Psychological consultation and behavioral therapy: to reduce anxiety
Hope this may help you.
Wish you good health and faster recovery
Best regards
Dr. Sagar