Hi there I am also a 19 yr old Male and for the past 4 yrs I have been having chest pain. Sometimes in the left side, some to the right side but the worse one was when it started from the middle and went to the left accompanied by left arm/elbow/muscle pain. I have been having electricity shocks, sharp pain, stabbing. Some of those times I couldn't breath and passed out. Sharp headaches only in the front and the back of the head by the neck. And I forgot to mention when these episodes happen on the EKG it would read irregular heartbeat but for the rest of the year. It won't show any signs. These episodes happen every 3-4 months for the past 4 years. I have had ct/ultrasounds, EKG,ECG, heart monitors everything and they can't find nothing! Everything has been done but the pain is sometimes unbearable, and I dont know what to do. Is their anything you guys can help me with?! I am constantly tired always have pressure in my chest.