Within the last 2 weeks I have suffered 2 episodes of shortness of breath, pain radiating up my neck, nausea, and dizziness. The first time, I had an angiogram the next day. I have a 50% blockage in one artery of the heart and my previous stent in another artery was fine. The conclusion was that I have acid reflux. I have been taking prevacid daily since that time. Yesterday, I suffered another similar episode. After 8 hours in the emergency room which included 3 electrocardiograms, 3 blood enzyme tests, a CAT scan of my neck--we knew I have 50% blockage in my left carotid artery and 70% blockage in my right carotid artery-I was released and told to see my GP and cardiologist in the next couple of days. My question is whether some spasm caused by shortness of breath (since I was exercising both times these episodes occurred) could irritate my vagus nerve and cause these symptoms. I am almost 63 years old.