Thanks for your query on HCM
"As"per your clinical history is concerned please follow like this -
1)Do a detailed physical examination by your doctor[pulmonologist] and do few investigations like this to confirm diagnosis-[
Spirometry, Peak flow, chest X-ray and CBC with differential]
2)Regarding treatment discuss with your treating Doctor about [Inhaled
corticosteroids like (fluticasone-
salmeterol),Leukotriene modifiers like (
Do take few preventive steps like this -
1)Get vaccinated for
influenza and pneumonia.
2)Try to avoid trigger points. A number of outdoor allergens and irritants ranging from pollen and mold to cold air and air pollution can trigger your symptoms.
3)Monitor your breathing. So regularly measure and record your peak airflow with a home peak flow meter. When your peak flow measurements decrease and alert you to an oncoming attack, take your medication as instructed and immediately stop any activity that may have triggered the attack.
4)Take your medication as prescribed by your treating Doctor.
Hope that helps