My daughter is 14. Last night she started breaking out with a rash. The first spot that we saw on the underside of her forearm. it looked like a flea bite and it itched. The second area was on her upper back. it had multiple raised areas about the size of a pimple. The area is red and odd shapes with pimple sized bumps within the red area. I gave her a benadryl and she was able to sleep through the night. This morning she woke up to both sides of her feet itching, red with bumps. Now she has it on her back, under her arms running down the side of her body on both sides. On her neck, on her shoulders, butt, behind one ear and on the back of her arms. I put her in our salt water spa which helped the itching and have given her an oatmeal bath and applied cortazone and given her a benadryl. The itching has subsided and is tolerable now. Any idea what this could be?