I'm a 27 year-old healthy male who just recently acquired Health Insurance through a job I started recently, and I'm also getting married at the end of this week. I wasn't able to schedule an appointment to get a physical from my primary care physician on such short notice, and I have something that I'm a little nervous about. I had completely forgotten about it until a little over a week ago, but I have two small warts on my penis which I've had for maybe a couple years. I'm pretty certain that they are not genital warts because I haven't had any sexual relations/contact with another person since 2003, and the person I had sex with didn't have any sexual relations prior to our intercourse -- the other things that make me think that they are genital warts (in the strict sense) is because I used to have warts on my fingers in probably about 10 places, and as far as I can tell they were just Verruca Vulgaris warts, and they eventually went away after a couple years, but during the time that I had them on my hands, I used to masturbate a lot. The other indication that I get that these are just common warts that got transmitted to my penis from my hands are that the location of these two warts on my penis are from where my left hand would make contact and rub my penis -- the reason that I think that they got transmitted from that are because a couple years ago, I went through a phase where I was masturbating so much, it actually made my penis sore and started to irritate and sort of break the skin. So I'm not surprised that this has happened. They haven't gone away yet, so I'm trying to wait it out and be patient, but my real question is this: With my getting married this weekend (my fiance and I have been waiting until we're married to actually have intercourse), I don't know what my stance on this should be, and I haven't talked to her about it yet. I'm hoping that if need be, we'll just have to use condoms until these go away -- but for all I know, maybe there's no real risk of things like cancer or contamination if we choose to have intercourse without a condom...but I don't want my own impatience with having to use a condom for a time to cause my soon-to-be-wife to get a wart infection from me, and possible health complications from it. To also give you a couple other details, I have been trying to treat the warts by first taking 200 mg of CoQ10 capsules every day for almost a week now (along with my other vitamins, which are a multivitamin, ginseng, gingko biloba, 2x1000 mg fish oil capsules, and a hair, skin & nails supplemental vitamin), and I've been applying a topical acne treatment containing 2% salicylic acid and T36-C5 Melaleuca tea tree oil about 3 times a day. Anyway, to restate my question in another way, are there any short term and/or long term risks if we have sex without a condom with these two small common warts on my penis (also, to clarify where they are, the one is on the left side of the penis on the edge/rim of the bottom of the head, before where the shaft starts, and the other is on the left side of the underside of the shaft, not too far away from the other wart)? I was wondering if there would be any general risks if I were to insert a finger into my wife's vagina if I had a wart on it as well -- I can't imagine there would be any difference between if it was a finger or a penis being inserted if it has a common wart on it...but I just want to know what risks there are and what we should do. Needless to say, I'll be going to my doctor ASAP to have them take care of this.