I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain it seems that your husband is suffering from Apthous
Stomatitis leading to formation of Apthous ulcers and inflammation in throat can be inflammation extending from mouth to throat or can be due to
throat infection..
It can occur due to a number of causes like stress which seems most probable in his case while other causes can be
acid reflux, deficiency of
vitamin B12 or iron, oral and throat infections,hormonal fluctuations etc..
You need to consult an Oral Physician and treatment of the underlying cause can resolve the problem..
As of now he can gargle with a numbing mouthwash, do warm saline gargles, take Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation,drink plenty of water, take a
multivitamin tablet daily, avoid hot and spicy foods and suck on ice pops..
Hope this information helps.
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.