Welcome to health care magic.
1.The symptoms are more seems like musculo-skeletal pain which increases on change of position and increase in pressure due to
cough and laugh.
2.As if any internal cause the pain will not alter with the actions.
3.The next possible cause inflammatory cause of skin,
nerve endings or any pleural or lung pathology giving
radiating pain.
4.Sinece you have been quite a good number of doctors - i think you should be investigated properly to evaluate the cause.
5.I would suggest a x-ray chest for a over view / gross evaluation of the chest wall and lungs. ( an examination of the chest wall before the investigations)
Ultrasound abdomen pelvis to rule out possibilities of pain giving from abdominal pathologies.
7.Ideally if its causing discomfort - a CT thorax will give most possible causes. Good luck.
Hope i have answered your query,
any thing to ask do not hesitate to ask.