Hello, I just started really bad headaches about a week ago, i saw my family Dr. on Tues the 8th the of Sept. he put me on flexerill at bedtime, just one 5mg and also gave sumatriptan to take during the day as soon as i feel a migrane ...I have taken four of those, they don t seem to help. I have to call him tomorrow (fri) if those presricptions are not helping. I ve never head headaches, let alone migranes. My daily routine has changed a little bit, school started 3 weeks ago, but I am not even stressed out about that yet. I wake up with severe headaches....I just made an appt with my eye doctor for the 28th of this month, but I am just confused why I am getting these severe headaches/migranase all of a sudden?!?!?!?! Is there anything else I could do or get testing for? I turn 32 at the end of October. I am just getting a little freaked out that it could be something serious, like I said my day to day routine and lifestyle has not changed...plz help with any advice you may have. Thanks, Lindsey