I'm 59 yrs old. Last Wednesday I had a badly infected impacted wisdom tooth extracted. I was told it was a rough extraction. (my face feels like a baseball bat was taken to it.) I was put on Cipro for infection. Swelling peaked 3 1/2 days after surgery, traveling fully down both sides of my neck (look like a pelican with a goiter), and making swallowing and breathing deeply quite difficult. The swelling has begun to reverse., however, my tongue and extraction area area are very swollen still. I do not have dry socket, have been gently rinsing with salt water, debreding daily. I still cannot get down any food outside of liquid yogurt, water, tea, or apple sauce. I'm also very nauseous. I am supposed to fly 3 hours today for business (I've been horizontal up until Sunday). Is it safe to fly? Any suggestions for nausea and the neck swelling? I spoke to the weekend oral surgeon who said "If you can't breathe, go to the emergency room". No help!