Can understand your concern..
As per your complain swelling on inner side of cheek as well as eye and head can be due to a deeply infected tooth..
In case of an infected tooth when the infection reaches the nerves and blood vessels present in the centre of the tooth the nerves gets inflamed leading to pain and when the infection progresses more deeper it reaches below the root tips of infected tooth through the root canals and causes pus formation in the area near the bone..
When there is no escape way for pus the pus gets accumulated in the
soft tissue area leading to swelling and pain and the pain can radiate to the same side of head and eye..
I would suggest you to consult an ENDODONTIST who can do a clinical evaluation and take an IOPAR (
x ray) to rule out the cause of pain and swelling and if it is due to tooth and tooth can be saved ,in that case
ROOT CANAL TREATMENT can be done so that in first sitting a hole is made in the tooth to create an escape way for pus to drain out to reduce pain and swelling..
In progressive sittings cleaning ans shaping of the root canals followed by filling with an inert material is done..
The treatment is carried out along with oral intake antibiotic and painkillers.
Hope you get well soon..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.