welcome to hcm,
I really appreciate your concern,
You have
chronic tonsillitis which can be caused by either a bacterial or viral cause, which in majority of cases can be treated with medications. The tonsils seem mostly useless to us, but play an important role in providing the human body with immunity. There although are certain indication for tonsil removal and include situations like failure of response to medications, difficulty to swallow, difficulty in breathing, persistent tonsillitis, etc.
The surgical procedure involving the removal of the tonsils is called
tonsillectomy and is not considered a serious procedure at all. It is usually conducted on children, but can easily be conducted on adults as well. There are different techniques employed for tonsillectomy and the most suitable one will be selected for you.
I would urge you to visit an ENT (ear, nose, throat) surgeon who should be able to discuss things with you in a more elaborate manner and schedule surgery for you at your most convenient time.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks. regards.