Greetings Madam.
I'm glad that i am able to guide you regarding discomfort felt as
My opinion after reading your query is that since the chest pain felt like tightening,not getting better after rest,worse when cough/laugh(as per your details) along with risk factors of No exercise,Family History of heart problem, it could most possibly a CARDIAC(heart) related attack.
But i want to know:
1.Do you have throat pain with
Fever attack in recent past/present ?
2.Was it associated with swollen joint pain ? Is the pain shifting from one joint to other?
3.Do you experience any uncontrolled movements of arms, legs, or facial muscles?
Why i am asking was that these questions
help doctor to narrow down your diagnosis.
Though it may be of cardiac type pain, it's necessary to rule out other NON-CARDIAC causes also viz., Chest Muscle-Lung-GastroIntestinal problem etc.,
Well Usually the first part of the evaluation of chest pain includes obtaining an ECG/EKG & a review of the recent history of events prior to the onset of the chest pain.
The treatment proceeds differently for Cardiac&Non-Cardiac causes.
So my best advise for your betterment is that visit a doctor at the earliest, get examined & do necessary investigation to know exact reason behind your discomfort & avoid further complication.
Finally it's just a guidance. Not a definitive treatment as i haven't seen you personally. You've to realize that these are temporary remedies. We don't know what your exact condition is unless we see you personally.Consult your Doctor if you still feel uncomfortable in spite of knowing above possibility.
Hope i guided you right & it helped.