like 6 months ago at the gym i was running and got a tightness in the right side of my chest. so naturally i was scared it was my heart ya know. got some tests done (EKG chest xrays) all checked out ok. but a slight tightness (from 2-5 of 10) remained every few days a week. then a similar thing happened in feb. but i was just feel weird muscle vibration. so i went to the ER and got ekg s, chest xrays, blood testing, urinalysis. again all checked out okay. recently, started to feel a little numbness in my shoulders (both) and also the slight tightness in the chest, and a soreness in my traps and middle top of my back. talked to a PT friend of mine and he recommended a few stetches and thought I may have thoratic outlet syndrome. the numbness and stuff is all gone. but, not feeling quite confident to going back to the gym. as i am overweight and desperate to shed these extra pounds. any ideas?