Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. The swelling at
injury site turns red and tender due to collection of blood and inflammation. It leads to increased sensitivity in surrounding
scalp tissue.
tingling sensations over same side and in surrounding area occurs due to this tender bruised area. The inflammatory chemicals like cytokines stimulate nerve on slight movement and touch. It will subside with swelling in 10-14days.
To fasten relief at home, you can follow few tips:
: Apply icepacks at swelling.
: Avoid pressure at swelling.
: Keep head at higher level than chest.
: You can take painkiller with anti-inflammatory properties like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription which will relieve pain and swelling
Do not worry. You can wait for few days. If still no relief, you can
consult doctor.
Thanks. Hope it will help you. Take care.