Thanks for posting your query on HCM.
I appreciate your concern for your husband.
Incomplete data like age, duration of the symptoms and any medication intake.
After having gone through the symptoms described I am of the opinion that he is most probably having a neurological condition called Parkinson's disease.
In Parkinson's disease, certain
nerve cells in the brain gradually break down or die. Many of the symptoms are due to loss of neurons that produce a chemical messenger in the brain called
When Dopamine levels decrease, it causes abnormal brain activity, leading to signs of Parkinson's disease which include tremors even at rest, slowing of the movements, muscle
stiffness, impaired posture and balance, expressionless face, etc.
You are advised to take your husband for proper assessment and treatment which is mainly based upon restoring the deficient levels of Dopamine in the brain and include Carbidopa-Levodopa with or without
Hope the suggestions given above could be of help in getting him treated early.
Best regards.
A feed back is appreciated.