Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
Probably you have developed candidal
balanitis. Itching and
tingling is a symptom of candidal balanitis.
You may use an OTC antifungal e.g
clotrimazole 1% cream, twice daily for a week
Oral sex is considered to be largely safe in terms of HIV and the risk is negligible unless the lady giving oral sex had oral sores, which increases the risk of HIV.
Protected vaginal sex is considered to be largely safe in terms of HIV.
However, condom protected vaginal sex is not a guarantee for preventing all the STD's.
Herpes genitalis,
viral warts,
molluscum contagiosum can still be acquired because a condom does'nt cover all of the infected area.
Therefore, if you notice any ulcer/erosions, growth/bumps in the genital area, you must report it immediately to your doctor.
Regarding routine testing for STD's every 6 months, in which your sexual partners was seeming declared clean of STD's is fine but what about the intervening months?? I think you would be wrong in assuming that they did'nt had sex with anyone else during this period.
Therefore you cannot assume that they were clean of all STD's when you had sexual encounter.
Even though yours was a protected sexual encounter and therefore chances of HIV are negligible, I would still suggest that for your own peace of mind you should get yourself tested for STD's at appropriate intervals.
Testing for
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) can be earliest at 2 weeks; HIV and VDRL at 1 month initially and then repeat tested at 3 months.
Always practice safe sex with a condom!