For the last two days I ve been experiencing a strange tingling about my body, head to toe. Night before last, I got up (middle of the night, in the dark) from my bed to walk into the bathroom (We have night lights and it s usual pretty easy to see) but I couldn t see anything but had a sensation, as if my eyeballs were wiggling and lights were flickering. I was eventually able to make my way and the sensation seemed to fade. Next day I was very sensitive to light and, sometime around noon, I began to notice this tingling. My ears normally ring, sometimes louder than other times, and they volume has been amped since yesterday. The tingling became so distracting, bothersome and I started noticing vision problems and just wanting to squint my eyes all the time. I realized, because I occasionally have them, I might be having a migraine coming on but the tingling is something I ve not had before, so I made my house, my bedroom as dark as I could (2:00 pm), took some Tylenol, removed my contacts and laid down and slept for several hours. My vision, today, seems to be slightly worse than I remember when using my glasses and I ve been sleepy all day. The tingling and ringing continues.