I am 23. I had life threatening sepsis, medically induced coma, and subsequent minor limb amputations about 2 months ago. I had a remarkably fast recovery and am now at home and back to regular activities.I am just now beginning to get tinnitus and some hearing loss bilaterally. Before deciding what to do next, I have these questions. I know that without an exam, your answers are not going to be authoritative. Within that understood limitation, it would be very helpful to me:Is it possible that ototoxicity from the antibiotics used to save my life can appear this long, two. months, after the treatment?If so, how long would the progression take from first symptoms to serious hearing loss? Would it be hours, days, weeks, or is it a one time thing?What specialty is appropriate for me to see? Is it hypothetically possible to get severe bilateral hearing loss from ototoxicity after two symptom-free months after antibiotic exposure?Is this impossible, rare, unusual, or common?Am correct in understanding that such loss is usually permanent and treatment is usually non medical, ie, hearing aids?Your specific answers to these specific carefully and thoughtfully written questions will help me greatly in deciding future options,Thanks so much.