I am 33 yrs old unmarried lady. From birth I had a problem of epilepsy. That time I was taking Gardiner , tegetol . But after 18 yrs Doctor suggested me to stop anti epileptic medicine because that time he didnot find any epileptic report from eeg. But during 3 months I lost consciousness & as per the advice of the Doctor I was taking eptoin. After taking eptoin at BD dose my head was reeling severely& severe allergy was arised,(severe itching). was admitted to Hospital& when eptoin was stopped I got release from this type of severe problems. After that Doctor recommended livipril. After taking livipril I had suicidal tendency. 3 times eeg was done but evry eeg doesnt show any epileptic symptoms. Istopped livipril. I am suffering from depression,nervousness. My question is what is the source of unconsciousness? If it is not epilepsy so why lose my consciousness. My ECG .EEG,MI , BLOODREPORTS ARE OK. I am confused please give me the advice.