Hi, a few days ago I noticed a string of veins pop up on top of my penis that I never noticed before (I'm 19 years old). When my penis is erect, the veins become extremely prominent. There's no pain, but it feels very uncomfortable to touch where the veins are or when I try to shift my penis to the left side (the veins are located on the left to middle of the shaft) and when flacid there's a noticable bump/ridge where just to the right of where the main veins are (so right on top of my shaft). Also, I feel that it looks slightly bigger than normal when flacid as if it is still somewhat hard, but this might just be the aforementioned ridge that I was talking about. I've been abstaining from masturbation the last few days to see if it would disappear on it's own, but it hasn't. Should I be masturbating, as maybe I haven't fully released something, which is leading to these complications? Any help would be greatly appreciated.