'Hi! I'm an 18 year old girl (5 feet and 8 inches tall, 157 pounds). A couple of weeks ago, I got three yellow spots on my thigh and one on my upper arm. They were all the size of either a dime or a quarter. After a week, these yellow spots turned into bruises and a couple of weeks later, they turned yellow again. Now, three of the four bruises have dissapeared but one is still there with tiny black spots on them. I don't recall bumping into anything or any other way I may have gotten them. Now, just yesterday, I got a new yellow spot on my lower arm (the size of a dime) and a yellow spot on my breast, also the size of a dime. I think they will turn into bruises as well. I was wondering why my bruises start out yellow, because they are only supposed to turn yellow when they are about to heal. And should I be worried (taking into consideration that I have a birth mark on my back that is about 15 cm wide and 10 cm long)? Also, I haven't had any bruises these past couple of years and I only get bruises when the injury is severe (like when I got hit with a softball).