Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
First, I want to reassure you that your miscarriages were not due to your fibroids or anything being physically wrong with your
uterus, tubes or ovaries.
The fact that you never developed a
fetal pole during either
pregnancy means that the pregnancy was not normal from the start, which is due to genetic abnormalities in greater that 99 percent of cases. Normally, if a fetus does not develop, the pregnancy tissue will be shed by the body naturally as hormone levels fall, causing a "miscarriage".
Women over age 35 have an increased risk of conceiving genetically abnormal pregnancies, and because of this, about 1 in 7 pregnancies will not develop properly and miscarry.
I know it can be discouraging to have had two miscarriages, but the chance of having a normal pregnancy next time is still over 80 percent. So there is no reason to suspect that you cannot carry a normal, healthy pregnancy to term. If you develop a fetus with a heartbeat on a subsequent pregnancy, your chance of losing the pregnancy after that is less than 1 percent. So I encourage you not to be discouraged and I assure you if you do develop an actual fetus and your
genetic testing is normal, you should be able to carry a pregnancy normally to term.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown