Hello Madam,
Thank you for your question and welcome to Health Care Magic. I read carefully your query and I understand your concerns.
The trasmission pathways of
HBV are via infected blood (e.g transfusion) or blood contamined equipments(unsterile needles e.g having a tattoo, piercing, or having dental procedures etc.) and infected body fluids (unprotected sex).
Regarding the possible treatment of your child, I would strongly recommend to you to have
prenatal care because in utero infection is uncommon, representing no more than 5 percent of perinatal HBV infections.
With such a presentation on my clinic I would recommend
Hepatitis B Vaccine - first dose of the vaccine series and Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) - 1 or 2 dose to be given immediately in the delivery room (or within the first 12 hours of life), then there is more than a 95% chance that a newborn will avoid a chronic HBV infection.
Hope I helped with my answer. Feel free to ask again if you have further concerns, I would be happy to answer you.
Wishing you health,
Dr. Ina