Infiltration develops into lungs and this causes calcification and
fibrosis and this is known as scar in
pulmonary tuberculosis .
Till there is no medicine that can remove this scar from lung fields and this is a permanent feature with the help of which one can identify an old tubercular patient . Only surgery can remove and that too is dangerous for life.
As you mentioned that only tuberculosis present in lungs , so following tests are to be done for confirmation.
1 Sputum examination for ACID FAST BACILLI ( AF B)
--At least 3 sputum specimens must be submitted preferably on 3 consecutive mornings .
Bronchoscopy , however this is meant for only serious cases but in doubtful cases ,w e can do.
3 Chest
X ray , usually lesions are in apical regions ( upper lobes as in your case).
4 Sputum for culture and sensitivity tests.
5 Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR), speed of this test is results are very fast .
6 Purified Protein Derivative ( PPD)-Tuberculin Skin Test.
So if tuberculosis present get a complete treatment as advised your doctor.
Good luck.