Good luck! Hopefully you can help! I feel so like there is no one who can. I have had numerous blood tests done. My primary care physician thought that I was diabetic and did an A1c test p,us a 5 hour blood glucose intolerance test. Came back normal. I have been sent to a neurologist who has done an MRI an EEG and nerve conduction test so far on me. All have come back normal. I go back Thursday for a lumbar puncture test. Here are my symptoms; numbness in my fingertips, toes, and around my mouth at times. I stay fatigued all the time and am very weak. The weakness and fatigue seems to be getting worse. I have spells where I get real shaky and feel nausus. My eyes are very sore feeling and hurt behind them. Early one morning I woke up with double vision. I could not focus and had double vision. I was also very nauseated. This was a very scary feeling. It lasted for maybe a minute or two. I keep a headache off and on. Sometimes when I stand up I feel very dizzy for a few seconds. I have also noticed that I have become very forgetful and disoriented at times. If you have any answers , please I would love to hear them.