My granddaughter is 4 in Oct. Last summer she experienced several weeks of low grade fevers with no other symptoms but fatigue. As the fever persisted, her pediatrician tested for the usual, strep, urinary tract infection etc, but everything came out negative. The fevers started to spike higher, but responded quickly and well to either tylenol or motrin. My daughter lives in a rather woodsy area in Virginia, so requested testing for lyme disease. The pediatrician finally agreed and on the day that they were taking her to Ft. Belvoir (husband is a marine) for the test, she began to seize. Not a seizure with tremors, but with a catatonic look and no other response. She was rushed by ambulance to a local hospital, where after appearing to recover she went into a full blown seizure that they could not control with meds. She went by heliocopter to Virginia Commonwealth University Hospital, Children