After right full knee replacement in June2014 knee was healing. In Oct severe onset of pain entire knee area. Starting with the left side of the right knee. Tried exercise, ice, heat, anti inflammatory, extra strength Tylenole and last oxycodone. No help History Low platelets and cirousis caused by fatty liver. Gallbladder and appendix were removed 1969. 1997 a rod and screws were put in the right leg to replace the tibia. During the knee replacement screws were removed. Rod stayed in place. June 2015 Orthoscopic surgery and analysis showed an inflamed film with iron deposits. Current medication: lisinoprol, metformin, omeperozole, Vit D and oxycodone 5mg (4x/day) Border line diabetes and blood pressure is under control. Before both surgeries platelets were given. Ongoing platelet count 38-45. Hope you have some ideas of where we start. I am contacting the Hematologist in the hopes she has some ideas. Thank you